So friends, I’ve decided to move forward with my ideas for the blog!
If you’ve snooped around here the past week or so you may have noticed most of my posts have gone missing. Well, they’ve just been made private as I’ve been very select with the kinds of posts worth keeping. Why? I’m hoping to turn this blog into more of a professional website. My focus will still be food and healthy living, of course, but posts will be less journal-like and more structured and informative. I have a friend that has offered to help me with the web design and launch to self-hosting – which will be great, because I am not tech-savvy in any way.
Other changes? The name. I’m still not quite sure how I want to go about the name change but I think it needs to happen! Have Your Cake And, in my humble opinion, is cute and clever, and I think I’ll definitely keep up with the theme, but like I said.. it’s cute.. meaning not professional. I may use my full name as my URL, or some way to incorporate my credentials. Still undecided at this time.
I hope for this all to happen by the end of this month, so please keep your eyes open for the launch! I intend to keep you updated in the process :)