So first of all, thank you for your support on my last post. Going back and reading that, I almost cringe still because I just really don’t like talking about it all that much. But it’s the truth, it’s what’s happening, and it’s my life so I have to really just go with it and keep my head up as best that I can.
Pinterest “Quotes” page tends to help during those tough days.
Anyway, something I was thinking about on my way to work this morning was life before blogs. For some people, food and/or healthy-living blogging has been absolutely life changing, and for others it’s just a hobby that has simultaneously inspired us to become food-voyeurs and maybe workout a little more. But even if it is just a little side hobby, certainly there are things in our lives that have been influenced by the blog community – whether these things are good or bad, that’s up for debate. Never-the-less, here is how blogging has changed my life:
Before blogging I….
- Never in a million years would have drank anything green… and liked it.
- Felt accomplished if I ran more than a mile.. now everyone’s marathon training makes me feel lazy for only running 3 miles.
- Thought eggs were solely meant for breakfast – this is by far the biggest lie I ever believed.
- Really thought I was the only one getting that excited about a new recipe.
- Felt ashamed for the amount of yoga pants that I owned – now I feel like I don’t have enough.
- Thought Whole Foods was meant for yuppies who were only vegans for the social aspects.
- Never knew the answer to “what did you eat on Wednesday?”
You’re turn! Before blogging, you….???